Tuesday, 10 July 2007 - 4:45pm

Joint press release Banco Desio - Banca Popolare di Milano

Tuesday 10 July 2007

Following the release of last March 27, we note that, as the conditions precedent provided by contract have been fulfilled, on today's date, Banca Popolare di Milano Scarl acquired 23,205,000 shares in Anima SGR p.a. from Banco di Desio e della Brianza, equal to 22.1% of capital, at the price of Euro 4.63 for share, for a total price of about Euro 107,000,000, paid in cash.
The BPM Group has thus become a shareholder in Anima SGR, joining Anima's shareholders and management in playing an important role in the process of transformation taking place in the assets management industry, safeguarding the company's independence and market listing and supporting Anima SGR's strategies for growth.
Pursuant to Art. 122 of the TUF (Consolidation Act on Finance), we note that no shareholders' agreement regarding Anima has been entered into with Banco di Desio e della Brianza S.p.A.

Milan, Desio, July 10, 2007

Press release 21.33 KB
Last updated 06/19/2014